You want your own dating, telesex cam or live cam website? No problem - just use our easy and uncomplicated kits. There is a lot on offer - a responsive and modern design, the chance to fill the webpages with your own SEO content, and of course a layout you can adapt to your heart’s content with different colors, logos, header graphics and more. You don’t need to install anything - you can simply use your own domain via cName.

Create complete WordPress based websites on your web space: The VX-CASH-theme with VISIT-X and BeiAnrufSex with editable profiles. Useful features and short codes makes work easier for you - they take care of the optimal adaption of the theme.

Die Revolution der Iframes - so haben wir es genannt. Mit diesem Werbemittel bieten Sie Ihren Usern echtes Livecam-Feeling auf Ihrer eigenen Website. Durch die Umsetzung als Iframe auf jeder Website einsetzbar.

Often copied, never matched. VX-CASH has been market leader for innovative and unique landing pages for many years now. Our landing pages are, naturally, responsive, and we are constantly running A/B tests to continually improve the conversion rates. Which are amazing anyway.

This promotional tool generates responsive areas in your look and feel. These areas automatically adapt to your website and so fit seamlessly into your layout.Create your banners with a click, from simple banners to your own micro sites. You can select size, color, category, headline, geo-targeting, and more.

Commission Model

Depending on the product, you can choose between a lead and a sharing commission.
At the start, you will earn a 30% revenue share or €5.50 per lead in Level 1. Webmasters with huge sales can quickly rise to Level 7 and can then earn up to €10.00 per lead or a whopping 52% revenue share.
In addition, there is the 10% reseller commission and up to 4 € SOI with our dating-smartlink!
Level X
For top affiliates there is, in addition to the standard commission model and the compensation per lead or via revenue sharing, also the option of a special commission model on an individual basis, regardless of the promoted products.
There is no time to lose - sign up now! VX-CASH offers an innovative commission model for their affiliates. This goes for those just setting out as well as for experienced professional publishers. We offer both the best options to earn money with top products with excellent conversion rates and professional tools.