
In 2004, Thomann, as the first company in the music industry, received the "Bayern's Best 50" Award for being one of the most successful companies in Bavaria. The picture shows Hans Thomann (in the middle), Minister of Trade Otto Wieshue (on the right), and Bernd Rödl (who was responsible for the nomination). Still, it was a sad year: in May 2004 our founder Hans Thomann Sr. passed away.

Construction Site 2005

Actually, we were tired of all the renovating and building work. But still, it soon became apparent that we would need further office and storage space in the coming years, and that's why we decided to build everything we would need in the foreseeable future at once: a container warehouse with more than 10,000 pallet storage slots (floor space 7,700m²), a four-floor office building and new exhibition rooms for our guitar, brass and string departments.

Our Administration Building, situated directly next to the shop, has housed our 40 purchasing managers, our quality control department, marketing team and our boss since 2005. We also have an entire floor of seminar rooms which we use for internal and external workshops for both our employees and customers.

New Supply Warehouse

Availability is everything! After we became five times bigger than our biggest supplier, we decided that we had to build even more warehouse space to optimise our product availability. Our supply warehouse offers room for 10,000 pallets and 40,000 containers for small items. In 2005 our supply warehouse was bigger than all our other warehouses put together. Three months later this warehouse was already full!