Our origins

Our objective: Take sports nutrition to the next level. With its certified organic quality, our protein powder has made quite a splash in the trade. With milk from pastured cows, we have shaken the foundations of crusty old structures. And given fitness enthusiasts some food for thought.

The time has come to take another step forward. Trailblazing quality. Refined and advanced.

Our mission begins all over again with every product. For this painstaking approach, outstanding ideas are what is needed. Pure passion. And the best experts in each field of specialisation. Precisely this is to be found in Germany. The land of poets and thinkers. And the country with the highest food standards in the world.

Our objective: Be better than the status quo. Better with the results, the ingredients, the simplicity and the taste. All this we achieve through our laboratory in Berlin. Through patented methods. And through our nutritionists, food chemists and process engineers. In the end, you receive a product that really takes you further.

Coconuts from the Philippines. Goji berries from the mountain ranges of Ningxia. Or soya from the Lake Constance area. We source our raw materials only from places where they can grow entirely unspoilt and under the most natural conditions. To find them, we embark on an exciting voyage of discovery for each product. So that we can source the very best ingredients worldwide. And, whenever nature allows, we rely on raw materials we can obtain close to home.