C&A Online Deutschland

We believe that our industry has the power and ability to work better for the millions of people who make the world’s clothes. We believe this because we see evidence of positive change happening every day. From a farmer who transforms life for herself and her family thanks to organic cotton, to the young girl who turns her life around when she’s given support to get out of forced labour and back into school.

C&A Foundation wants to lead and accelerate the change to create an industry with social and environmental practices that enable communities and people to thrive.

C&A Foundation

C&A Foundation is working to increase the market share of sustainable cotton by tackling the conditions that hold it back. They are helping cotton farmers make the switch to organic farming. And they are working with brands and industry players so that together, we can all accelerate the uptake of more sustainable cotton.

People who work in factories don’t always get a fair deal. The forces that drive unsafe and unfair working conditions are systemic and run deep. C&A Foundation is working with a variety of different actors to help change this situation. They are working to support garment workers to voice their concerns and they support initiatives to make the whole industry accountable for improvements.

The lack of transparency and traceability in complex fashion supply chains means forced labour can go unseen and unpunished. C&A Foundation is determined to change this. They work with partners across the industry to tackle the root causes of forced and child labour. At the same time, they support victims, giving them the help they need to recover and rebuild their lives.