Terms and Conditions

1. Any and all use of this Web Site is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions of use laid outin the following clauses. Usage, for the purposes of these terms and conditions, is deemed to be thereading or visiting of this Web Site, and/or the purchase of one or more products from the Web Site and isapplicable to all Users, whether human beings, computers or companies and other organisations, incorporated orunincorporated.

2. The Owners of this Web Site have published it in good faith and to the best of their ability andknowledge in the given subject area. The Users of the Web Site are therefore required to demonstratesimilargood faith in their use of the Web Site, by keeping to the Terms and Conditions of Use, not publishingdefamatory remarks about the Web Site or the Site's Owners in any media, electronic or otherwise and,shoulddiscussion forums be available on the Web Site, by behaving in a considerate and responsible fashion atalltimes. Failure to comply will result in Users being denied access to the Web Site and may even result inprosecution, should the behaviour breach any laws of privacy, defamation, etc.

3. In the event of any legal dispute arising from the use of this Web Site, irrespective of the countryoforigin of any third party, all such disputes will be resolved within the jurisdiction of the country ofincorporation of the Web Site's owner(s) and not the country in which the Web Site is hosted unlessotherwise stated.

4. All material on this Web Site, whether in the Web Site itself or any product that may be soldtherein, ifproducts are sold via the Web Site, is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or inpartwithout the Web Site owner's express permission. You may not modify, copy, or in any way reproduce,publish,distribute, sell, lease, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information orproducts obtained from this Web Site. Failure to obtain permission before reproducing such material mayresult in prosecution.

5. We make every endeavour to ensure the information on our Web Site is correct, but it is not alwayspossible to keep everything up to date. The information is therefore provided without warranty orguaranteeof any description, and the Web Site's owners cannot be held responsible for the use made of suchinformation as may appear within the pages of the Web Site. It is the responsibility of the User tocheckcurrent legislation and practices pertaining to their area of interest before acting upon informationreceived via the Web Site. If you believe any of the information on this Web Site is inaccurate orincorrect, please contact us by email.

6. We may occasionally pass on your contact details to carefully selected third parties who may offeryouother products of interest. As per our Privacy Policy, you must contact us if you do NOT want yourcontactdetails to be used in this manner.

7. Wherever there are discussion forums available on the Web Site, Users are required to remain politeabouteach other and about the Web Site itself. We take defamation very seriously and any defamatory remarksfoundon our forums will be removed and the User denied access.

8. In order to improve our site and our service to you, we may occasionally use cookies. The purpose ofsuchcookies is purely to help us personalise the information we deliver to you and does not imply storage ofpersonal data, nor the tracking of your activity on the site. If you wish to delete such cookies aftervisiting the site, go to your browser's tools menu and select the 'clear cookies' option.

9. For some of the functionalities of the Web Site, it may occasionally be necessary to use cookies. Ifyourprivacy settings are set too high, it may not be possible for you to view parts of our web site orcompletecertain processes on occasion. If this is the case, and you wish to proceed, you must adjust yourbrowser'ssecurity settings to accept cookies. We accept no responsibility for Users being unable to see the siteifthey are unwilling to alter their security settings.

10. We may occasionally change of vary the contents of these Terms and Conditions. In the event that youpurchased a product through us, it is the Terms and Conditions that were in place at the time of thatpurchase that will be valid.

Please Contact Us for more information.