We believe in the power of travel and adventure. To connect people to each other, to nature and the outdoors, to culture and to heritage.

Hostelling makes travel and adventure accessible to everyone, everywhere. YHA operates over 150 sites throughout England and Wales — a community of shared spaces, open to all and for the benefit of everybody. We provide inclusive adventures, in extraordinary buildings, in amazing places. We’re proud to rank first globally for guest satisfaction. Yet we are much more than accommodation.

We are a leading social enterprise and a 90-year-old movement. A charity on a mission to enrich the lives of all, but especially young people, and improve physical health, mental wellbeing and life skills through the experiences we create. We bring the adventure, for the first time, for a lifetime. By staying with us, becoming a member, donating to or volunteering with YHA, not only will you feel the benefit, but you will help us continue to reach those who’d miss out without us.


Our charitable object

To help all, especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside, and appreciation of the cultural values of towns and cities, particularly by providing youth hostels or other accommodation for them on their travels and thus to promote their health, recreation and education.

Our vision

Everyone has access to the benefits of adventure, for the first time and a lifetime.

Our mission

To enrich the lives of all, especially young people, by providing brilliant hostel stays and experiences that improve physical health, mental wellbeing and life skills.