Stansted Airport Parking

London Stansted Airport is London's third-busiest airport, currently serving around 18 million passengers a year. Many leading low-cost scheduled airlines have made Stansted their base.
MAG now serves nearly 42 million passengers through its ownership and operation of Manchester, London Stansted and East Midlands airports. Its property and facilities management arm, MAG Property, is responsible for the Group’s estate and also the development of Manchester’s Airport City. We support the UK Government's commitment to the principles of sustainable development in the aviation industry, striking a balance between economic, social and environmental considerations.
MAG's overall strategic intent is to increase long term shareholder value by generating profitable growth, developing its assets and deploying efficient and customer focused operating processes throughout the business. More than just a regional success story, the Group’s airports and property business already contribute more than £3bn to the UK economy and support thousands of jobs.

Airport Collaborative Decision Making

London Stansted Airport is embarking on an exciting journey to introduce Airport-Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) processes by 1st January 2021. A-CDM is about improving operational efficiency at an airport by optimising the use of resources and improving the predictability of events during the progress of a flight. It helps airport operators integrate into Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) by achieving a common situational awareness, strengthening information sharing and improving collaboration between all airside partners such as airlines, ground handlers, airport operator, Air Traffic Control and EUROCONTROL.

London Stansted Airport’s envisaged growth is significant for the London Terminal Manoeuvring Area (LTMA) and therefore to the whole European Air Traffic Management environment. A-CDM functionalities and subsequent deployment of other mature Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) initiatives will position London Stansted as an important European network airport. The implementation of A-CDM at Stansted Airport would result in potential improvement of on-time performance, better recovery of delays, reduced fuel waste and emissions, better runway and capacity planning, etc.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The aviation industry creates many economic benefits and social opportunities, despite a number of challenges such as climate change, air quality, noise disturbance and the rapidly changing security environment.
Our report is an overview of how we manage these issues – what we said we would do over the last year, what we achieved and what we plan to do – which come together to form the various aspects of our sustainability programme.