

  1. To offer unique products and services that will differentiate us in the tourism sector.
  2. To generate prosperity at every level, fulfill the objectives of shareholders and surpass the expectations of our guests and the Sandos family.
  3. To contribute to the development of the company and the destination, strengthening and positioning our brand as a potential future investment.

Our Values

  • Go Further: Committed always to be one step ahead in the constant pursuit of excellence.
  • Teamwork: Our talent is inspired to give the best of itself: together, we build achievements and make the process rewarding and fun.
  • Do The Right Thing: We are an example of human values ​​and ethics, a socially responsible company within our community and our team.

Social Responsibility Policies

  1. Gender Equality Policy: We reduce occupational segregation rates in each of the positions. We provide equal opportunities to employees for the realization of work practices in other departments of the company. Nondiscrimination We do not distinguish between employees based on race, gender, sexual orientation, creed, social-economic status, nationality, or indigenous cultural expressions.
  2. Anti-Discrimination Policy: There may be no distinctions made between employees based on race, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, socio-economic status, nationality and / or indigenous cultural expressions.

Sustainability Policy

In Sandos Hotels & Resorts we improve among all our processes, seeking a constant balance between the business, environmental and socio-cultural fields, which allows us to sustain ourselves autonomously without compromising the resources and opportunities for future growth and development. We promote in our guests, suppliers, collaborators, and community practices that allow us to efficiently use energy and natural resources, preserve and respect our cultural traditions and customs, and reduce our ecological footprint.

Sandos Hotels & Resorts strives every day to offer an unbelievable vacation to each and every one of our guests. With our excellent service, beautiful resort facilities, and sustainable practices, we have proudly received a variety of travel industry awards. You’ll find a full list of Sandos Awards and Recognitions here.