ZenMate VPN - INT

...I was using free, unsecured public wifi, and struggling to connect to websites that weren't local. I already knew that by using a VPN, I could keep secure online and still access the content I needed for my studies back in the UK. 

This knowledge I had gained from having an interest in my online security and privacy, and I knew that this knowledge was, and still is, very exclusive. Which is unfair when 40% of the world is online and mostly unaware that the Internet is restricted simply because of where you are.

My friend Markus

...and I decided to get together once I was back from my travels. I had returned with a good idea of what I wanted to do next in my life, which was to take this problem and provide an easy solution to people all over the globe. So, Markus got straight to work and started developing ZenMate. We started off with the core connection between your device and the Internet and built what you now know as Core VPN: security, privacy, and unrestricted access - just with the click of a button

One idea became a vision.

The Internet is no longer only for the 'tech savvy.' Our parents are online, probably your grandparents too. At the same time, cyber-crime is growing quickly, and your traditional anti-virus is no longer enough. Online security threats and invasions of privacy are reaching beyond your computer to your mobile, your tablet, and anywhere else where you have a connection. With this, access to security should be available to everyone who's online too. Our vision is to simplify the world of online security and privacy, and make it accessible to everyone - including my Mother.

We are a team of passionate humans and 4 ZenDogs, coming from 20 different countries. We aim to deliver clever products with intuitive design, to allow you to enjoy a secure and private experience on the Internet - regardless of who you are, or where you are in the world.