About WinZip

WinZip is trusted by millions of businesses and consumers to boost productivity, simplify file sharing and keep information private. The world's number one compression and encryption software, WinZip offers apps for all of today's most popular platforms and devices, giving users a better way to exchange files in the cloud, email and social media. WinZip's product line also includes powerful utilities to improve system performance and help keep PCs secure. WinZip is part of the Corel family of companies. WinZip products have been recognized by some of the industry's most influential sites. 

Zip files (.zip or .zipx) are single files, sometimes called "archives", that contain one or more compressed files. Zip files make it easy to keep related files together and make transporting, e-mailing, downloading and storing data and software faster and more efficient. 

The Zip format is the most popular compression format used in the Windows environment, and WinZip is the most popular compression utility.

Zip files compress data and therefore save time and space and make downloading software and transferring e-mail attachments faster. Typical uses for Zip files include:

Distributing files on the Internet: Only one download is required to obtain all related files, and file transfer is quicker because the archived files are compressed.
Sending a group of related files to an associate: When you distribute a collection of files as a single Zip file, you benefit from the file grouping as well as compression.
Saving disk space: If you have large files that are important but seldom used, such as large data files, simply compress the files into a Zip file and then unzip (or "extract") them only when needed.