
Founded in 1976, today Acer is one of the world’s top ICT companies and has a presence in over 160 countries. As Acer looks into the future, it is focused on enabling a world where hardware, software and services will fuse with one another to open up new possibilities for consumers and businesses alike. From service-oriented technologies to the Internet of Things to gaming and virtual reality, Acer’s 7,000+ employees are dedicated to the research, design, marketing, sale, and support of products and solutions that break barriers between people and technology. Please visit for more information.

About the Acer Group

At The Acer Group we are devoted to designing IT products that improve usability and add value to our customers needs. We believe innovation is not the mere creation of new technologies and solutions, but the guarantee that users receive the benefits of these developments, and feel truly empowered.

As a leading global PC brand, Acer's is proud to have integrated a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy into our business operations. We also believe that Acer's easy-to-use, dependable and reliable products and services provide opportunities for sustainable development. With our responsible business practices and advanced IT solutions, we hope to demonstrate leadership in CSR and sustainability for years to come.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The 20th century witnessed the rapid growth of the IT market and the increasing popularity of its associated technologies, each contributing in no small way to driving innovation. The growth of the industry, a vital part of a nation’s economy, coincided with the escalating use of natural resources, affecting not just local assets but national ones as well. As a consequence, environmental and humanitarian associations have appealed to multinationals to reduce this impact on natural resources by becoming environmentally, morally and socially responsible.

Business Ethics is the management philosophy behind organizational, professional, institutional and social process development, and it has become the primary challenge multinationals, Acer included, are facing in the 21st century. It is a combination of principles and values that guide management to strive for both economic and social goals. An ethical company is aware that it must assume full economic, legal, social, as well as philanthropic, responsibilities.