We're for music you can feel.For front rows.And first chairs.Demo tapes.And dropping in.
Dep cuts.And dawn patrol.Because we don't believe in tuning out.We believe in tuning in.
Discovering new bands that push us forward.And classics that take us backIt's why we
make products that connect us to music on a physical level.So you can feel the soul in the
lyrics.And the bass in your bones.Because music is all about feeling.It's the soundtrack
to our celebrations.Our revolutions.And new creations.We are Skullcandy.We don't want
you to just listen to music. We want you to feel it.

Our Values
Skullcandy wasn’t founded in some corporate office. We were born on a chairlift in Park City, Utah. Even our name defies convention. To stay true to our core, we can’t settle for easy or obvious.
Everything we do should challenge the status quo.
Being a challenger brand runs deep in our DNA. That’s the match that lights the fire and stokes everything we create.
We dare you to underestimate us.
Every single one of us makes Skullcandy an incredible place to work. We always put our minds together and go after solutions as a collective.
Together, we’re a force to be reckoned with.FIRST CHAIR, LAST CALL.
Working here should be as much of a lifestyle as a job. We don’t believe in “office hours” or some imaginary line between work and fun. So take a powder morning, or a halfpipe break. Leave early to go for a run. Whatever.
We expect you to do your job exceptionally; when and how you do it is up to you.OWNING IT.
We’re only as strong as our weakest link. Which is why we need to be accountable to and for each other. If it’s your responsibility, take it. If you need help, ask for it. There’s a solution out there.
We trust you to solve it like a pro.
Get a look at our unique office life in Park City, Utah.
Learn how Skullcandy is doing well by doing good.
Meet the team that will help you find your frequency.
Check out our initiatives for fighting climate change.