We are PicMonkey

We create image editing tools that truly get what it means to compete across digital and real-life domains. Flexibility, collaboration, rapid iteration—all the power and mojo that designers and non-designers alike need to get to awesome, faster.

With 10 billion images made and millions of users in more than 200 countries, PicMonkey has headquarters in Seattle, WA and a worldwide office in Ireland.

PicMonkey’s trajectory is fueled by Spectrum Equity, a growth equity firm specializing in software-as-a-service companies. Pete Jensen serves on our board, along with independent director Brian McAndrews and founder Jonathan Sposato. PicMonkey salutes the winners of the “Who’s Your Shero?” contest, celebrating inspiring women entrepreneurs nominated by their peers. PicMonkey surveyed more than 1,000 mompreneurs to understand how they view starting / running their own business. Here’s the full report containing the (often) surprising answers they gave.

PicMonkey now offers the ability to add video clips and GIFs to the platform for increased design options. The video offering also includes a new stock video library free to all users.

PicMonkey announced a partnership with Pinterest offering discounted tools to help creators make high-quality, authentic content that inspires people to do the things they love.