We relentlessly evolve products and services of the highest quality to make extraordinary gaming experiences achievable and fun These are the principles that inspire our creativity, drive our decision-making, and guide us in bringing you the best PC gaming products possible. 17 Years of successful service Pursue passion We are a company of gamers creating the best products for gamers. Revel in that. Foster community Work among friends. Listen to and support our users. Both ensure our continued success. Demonstrate courage Go beyond what's expected. Do not compromise or fear making mistakes. Be humble Confidence is vital, but there's always more to know and achieve. Accept accountability What we think, say, and do must be in complete alignment. Own victory and defeat.
Look further Great ideas come from anywhere, not just our industry. Expand where you seek inspiration.

Who are we creating for? PC gamers. They're the most passionate about gaming. It's why we're always focused on solving problems for that community. Pretty much everyone at NZXT is a PC gamer.

What drives NZXT designs? Again, builders and gamers are central to our designs. We're always asking, what do they need? How can we make PC building and gaming an even better experience?C gamer.

Biggest challenges? Because I was so young, getting people to listen, especially manufacturers, was difficult. It was a battle to get a lot of things accomplished how I envisioned them. But overcoming that made me more confident. What was our first big "win"? Phantom was huge. Back in 2010, nobody sold white cases. Everyone told me not to do it, even competitors. But it quickly became a bestseller and we continue to sell the most white gaming cases in the world.