Motorola Mobility

Motorola created the mobile communications industry. We invented most of the protocols and technologies that make mobile communications possible, including the first mobile phone, the first base station, and most everything in between.

Today, we are combining that pioneering spirit with a renewed commitment to consumers. That's why our phones run on Android, the world's most popular operating system. Android brings the openness that shaped the Internet to the mobile world. That's also why we are dedicated to bringing consumers around the world great value through devices that don't compromise on quality, experiences or style.

For the past 80 years, our engineers have thrived on invention and on finding new ways to solve problems. We continue to look for new opportunities to change people's lives for the better through the magic of mobility.

We believe that innovation comes from everyone

We’re working to diversify the talent pipeline in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by increasing access and cultivating interest in STEM fields. We believe the most innovative solutions can’t be created without diverse perspectives. The year 2020 has been a tough one for many of us; COVID-19 has disrupted the way of life for millions around the world, as reignited tensions around race and inequality swept through much of the western hemisphere this past summer. Amid much turmoil and uncertainty, it can be difficult to find the silver linings, but in a time of great challenge we can overcome obstacles through great innovation. When we reflect on this year at Lenovo, we see a period of transformation, resilience, and courage.

Progress in the face of adversity

2020 has shown us that people can do amazing things despite less-than-ideal circumstances. This year, our global workforce of more than 63,000 employees have helped mobilize support for our communities around the world during a global pandemic. Our employees have been creative and flexible in adapting to a new normal, and talent acquisition teams have innovated to preserve valuable internship opportunities for students and graduates. With more than $13 million (USD) in philanthropic efforts, we’ve provided technology and personal protective equipment (PPE) to hospitals and continue to offer support for distance education for millions of impacted students around the world.

Despite these challenges, we’ve set new standards for diversity and inclusion (D&I) within the business. We achieved our goals that we set in 2018 of having 20% female executive representation worldwide and 28% racial/ethnic minority executive representation across the U.S., reporting representation of 21% and 29% respectively.

We increased participation in Global Inclusion Training company-wide to 92% completion and launched our Product Diversity Office, committed to driving the criteria and development of technology for diverse users and validating and minimizing bias inherent in the technology and/or the product itself.