We Host Great Ideas

On his birthday in 1998, Demian Sellfors filed the paperwork creating Intergress Technologies – the company that would ultimately transform into the legendary web host Media Temple.

In those days, web hosting was dominated by two massive providers along with scores of untrustworthy operators that often disappeared in the middle of the night. After merging Intergress with a web design studio, Sellfors and cofounder John Carey decided to focus entirely on delivering B2B internet services with sophistication and reliability.

The turning point for Media Temple was in learning about the hosting troubles of influential design blog Kaliber10000 (K10K). Being a designer himself, Demian Sellfors had interest in K10K’s success and knew he could help. Media Temple solved K10K’s issues and rapidly earned a reputation for being the host designers and developers could count on.

The iconic (mt) logo became a badge of honor on influential websites, as Media Temple delivered its clients support that understood their goals and challenges.

Media Temple’s culture and innovation had caught the eye of tech giant GoDaddy, who purchased the company in 2013. “The people at Media Temple ‘get’ web pros and developers … that alone is a tremendous asset for us,” said Blake Irving, GoDaddy CEO at the time. In the relationship, GoDaddy gains insight on web professionals and developers, while Media Temple gains scale and investment to explore new growth opportunities.

As the web evolves, we continue to develop solutions that keep sites and apps running at their prime.