
GoPro frees people to celebrate the moment, inspiring others to do the same. From cameras to apps and accessories, everything we do is geared to help you capture life as you live it, share the experience and pass on the stoke. We believe that sharing our experiences makes them more meaningful and way more fun.

GoPro was founded in 2002 by Nick Woodman—a surfer, skier and motorsports enthusiast in search of a better way to film himself and his friends surfing. What started with a 35mm camera and a wrist strap made from old wetsuits and plastic scraps has grown into an international company that has sold over 26 million GoPro cameras in more than 100 countries.

But it’s the millions of passionate GoPro users around the globe who bring the magic to life. They humble and inspire us every day with incredible creativity that helps us see the world in an all-new way—and fires us up to keep creating the most awesome, innovative products possible.

GoPro makes the world’s most versatile cameras, and we strive to do it responsibly. We are committed to achieving universal ethical trading standards throughout all parts of our supply chain. This includes a commitment to ensuring that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that business operations and manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible and conducted ethically.

Accordingly, we require all suppliers to comply with our GoPro Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility Code of Conduct (the “Corporate Social Responsibility Code”). The Corporate Social Responsibility Code seeks to promote safe and fair working conditions, and urges our suppliers to go beyond legal compliance to advance social responsibility. Our Corporate Social Responsibility Code draws upon principles articulated in the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and standards issued by organizations such as the International Labour Organization, Social Accountability International, and the Ethical Trading Initiative. Among other things, our Corporate Social Responsibility Code prohibits the use of underage labor, prohibits forced or prison labor, and mandates workplaces free of harassment or discrimination. Our suppliers are further required to comply with applicable laws and regulations in the rights of workers to form and join labor unions or workers organizations of their own choice.

GoPro maintains an internal compliance team whose members undergo on-the-job training on enforcement of our Corporate Social Responsibility Code, including ways to mitigate the risk of suppliers violating workplace laws. With an internal compliance team with deep knowledge of the requirements of our Corporate Social Responsibility Code, GoPro does not currently need third parties to conduct verifications of product supply chains to evaluate and address risks of human trafficking and slavery. As part of our verification process, we may conduct onsite visits, and our suppliers are otherwise contractually obligated to certify and warrant compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations of the countries in which they operate, which may include applicable laws on workplace conditions, slavery, and human trafficking. It is intended that this statement extends to the obligations set forth in section 54(12), UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and GoPro shall, upon request, provide a statement of such steps it has taken, together with such other information a requestor may reasonably require in order to enable it to prepare a slavery and human trafficking statement in accordance with section 54, UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Once engaged to work with us, suppliers must actively monitor their own practices to ensure continuous compliance, which includes formal designation of one or more representatives who are responsible for ensuring compliance with our Corporate Social Responsibility Code. GoPro’s compliance team also conducts announced audits of suppliers to further ensure compliance, and we also reserve the right to subject suppliers to unannounced audits conducted by third parties. As part of our auditing process, we provide our suppliers with reports and if necessary, require corrective action to cure any compliance issues. Among other things, suppliers who do not resolve the issues to our satisfaction are subject to termination as a GoPro supplier and appropriate legal action.