We empower IT teams with cyber protection solutions built for today and tomorrow

The digital world drives constant innovation and data growth that demands easy, efficient and secure cyber protection. Acronis Cyber Protection Solutions protect all data, applications and systems wherever they are.

At Acronis, we believe the data, applications, systems and productivity of every organization should be protected against loss, theft, and downtime – whether it’s caused by cyberattacks, hardware failure, natural disaster, or human error. From MSPs supporting clients to enterprises serving global users to organizations handling sensitive data, we lower risks, improve productivity, and ensure your organization is #CyberFit.

Discover Cyber Protection

In today’s digital world, everyone needs protection. Only Acronis’ proven, integrated approach delivers easy, efficient, reliable and secure cyber protection for all data, apps and systems. Practically every aspect of the modern world is driven by data and our reliance on digital assets will only increase in the future. To ensure their survival, companies need solutions that address all Five Vectors of Cyber Protection.

SAPAS: The Five Vectors of Cyber Protection

As data volumes grow and methods of access change, safeguarding your data – and the applications and systems that rely on it – involves addressing complex and often competing considerations. Called the Five Vectors of Cyber Protection, Acronis has developed a unique approach that successfully balances these requirements.

Benefits of Choosing Acronis Total Cost of Ownership Control your data protection costs no matter how much data you’ve got to deal with. Acronis’ solutions are cost-effective and offer a transparent predictable licensing model with no hidden costs. Security Acronis prevents your data from being corrupted, encrypted or otherwise altered without authorization through its integrated AI-based anti-malware defense, encryption, and secure backup storage. Reliability Battle-tested for 15+ years by millions of users and in more than 100 data centers across the globe, Acronis solutions are proven to easily protect and quickly restore your data – whatever happens.