We are Outdoor Gear Exchange (OGE), located on Church Street in beautiful Burlington, Vermont. Smart buying and over 25 years in the outdoor industry allows us to offer the best deals possible on a fabulous selection of gear for camping, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, telemark skiing, alpine touring (AT skiing), nordic skiing, biking, kayaking, canoeing, adventure travel and yoga. We also have a fantastic selection of footwear and apparel from casual to technical. If you find yourself in town make sure to stop by for a visit.
To empower outdoor activity, adventure, and exploration of all kinds by cultivating community and encouraging knowledge sharing, while outfitting all people with gear that best meets their needs.
A world where everyone feels welcome and is able to experience the

Snow Sports
Whether you're into backcountry skiing, ski mountaineering or backyard sledding, Outdoor Gear Exchange has the snow sports gear for you. Freeheel skiers rejoice! We specialize in alpine touring and telemark gear with a great selection of telemark boots, alpine touring bindings, skis, and skins. Check out great brands like Black Diamond, Dynafit, La Sportiva and G3.
At the Outdoor Gear Exchange we are passionate about climbing, whether it's rock climbing or ice climbing, and we've got all the gear you need to get out and have fun. No matter if you prefer trad or sport climbing, bouldering, mountaineering or mixed climbing, our experienced staff has used the gear we sell and can answer any questions you may have. We carry a huge selection from Black Diamond, Petzl, La Sportiva, Metolius, Mammut, DMM, Wild Country, Evolv, CAMP, and more.




Outdoor Gear Exchange has all the camping gear you'll need to enjoy your next weekend trip to the campground or your next backpacking epic. We stock a wide selection of discounted camping gear from tents & hammocks to stoves & sleeping bags.
We sell and ride all kinds of bicycles. Mountain bikes, fat bikes, commuter and urban bicycles - you name it. We have a dedicated, core staff who can assist you in selecting the right bike for whatever activity you prefer on your two wheeled machine. Also, check out our bike service and maintenance shop to get your bike tuned up for the season.
Outdoor Gear Exchange carries a large selection of kayaks, SUPs, canoes, paddles, kayaking & canoeing gear, equipment and accessories.
Remember to spread the gear stoke to your multi-legged friend. Outdoor Gear Exchange carries dog harnesses, PFDs, collars, and toys for your active outdoor companion.
Ashtanga, Vinyasa, or even Acro, Outdoor Gear Exchange has a large selection of yoga mats, bolsters, blocks, and bags from Prana, Manduka, and Lole.