Sleep Outside
Born in the backcountry of the Wasatch Mountains, Klymit has been challenging the conventional approach to outdoor gear since 2007. Based in Kaysville, Utah, our passion is spending time outdoors with the people you care about. We know nothing ruins a camping trip like a poor night’s sleep, which is why we work hard every day to create gear that is comfortable, easy-to-use, and engineered for every adventure. Our team designs and tests all of our gear in the illustrious deserts and mountains of Utah to ensure everything is durable, high-quality, value driven and most importantly, comfortable. We believe life is better when you are outdoors with those you love. It doesn’t matter where you are, it matters who you’re with. We’re here to make your outdoor experience the best one yet.




Our award-winning products are designed to help you sleep outside as comfortably as you do in your own bed. Use #SleepOutside or tag us @klymit for a chance to be featured online. We continually innovate sleeping pads, sleeping bags, and other lightweight camping gear to help you rest outdoors comfortably.
You’ll find our tents, our hammocks, and even our floating dinghy lightweight and easy to use, saving more of your energy, so you can enjoy yourselves when you step outside. We want you to focus on soaking up your time outside with the company you keep and spend less time worrying about your lightweight camping gear.
Do you consider yourself to be a Queen or King of comfort? Camping CAN be comfortable. With the temperatures heating up, we've put together a list of everything you need for the ultimate comfort camping experience.
Nothing beats an adventure outside with friends or family. Those memories will be some of the ones that you'll remember forever. Focus on having fun and enjoying the world around you, not stressing over the little details like remembering TP.