We’ve found our happy place: It’s a long hike with a good dog on a sunny day, and coming home to a cat curled up on the couch. It’s good neighbors and good health.

 And even if it looks different for all of us, we believe every pet and every person has a happy place, and we’re here to help them find it, enjoy it and protect it.

Here’s how we do it: we make sure pets have everything they need, in a single spot, and we never cut corners on ingredients. We tell the truth to our customers and community. And we act conscientiously not only because the planet is critical to our survival, but also because it’s our favorite place to play. Only Natural Pet was founded in Boulder, Colorado, where we find inspiration in open spaces, fresh air, and sunshine (almost) every day. We’re still headquartered here, and it shows in everything we do. Cheers from our happy place to yours. 

In 2002, Marty Grosjean adopted Crinkles, a lab mix with several health issues. With an all-natural, holistic diet and lifestyle—not exactly common practice for pets at the time— Crinkles began to thrive. Based on everything he learned, Marty founded Only Natural Pet to help other people provide head-to-tail healthy living for their pets, too.

 Based on everything he learned, Marty founded Only Natural Pet to help other people provide head-to-tail healthy living for their pets, too.