

It has come a long way over the past almost 85 years - from a small carpenter’s workshop to a modern, global enterprise that is now one of the world’s largest manufacturers of toys.

The LEGO brick is our most important product. We are proud to have been named “Toy of the Century” twice. Our products have undergone extensive development over the years – but the foundation remains the traditional LEGO brick.

Free play is how children develop their imagination – the foundation for creativity. Curiosity asks WHY and imagines possible explanations. Playfulness asks WHAT IF and imagines how the ordinary becomes extraordinary, fantasy or fiction. Dreaming it is a first step towards doing it.

Fun is being active together, the thrill of an adventure, the joyful enthusiasm of children and the delight in surprising both yourself and others in what you can do or create. Fun is the happiness we experience when we are fully engaged in something that requires mastery, when our abilities are in balance with the challenge at hand and we are making progress towards a goal.

Creativity is the ability to come up with ideas that are new, surprising and valuable - and it’s an essential 21st century skill. Systematic creativity is a particular form of creativity that combines logic and reasoning with playfulness and imagination.