A Mission of Discovery

Powered by a deep love for dogs and a passion for understanding everything about them, Ryan and Adam Boyko have spent the last decade learning everything they could about dogs – how did they first get humans to fall in love with them, how did humans and dogs change each other in the years since then, and how can we best care for our furry family members?

Scientific Vision

In the course of their quest to understand the domestic dog, Embark's founders have discovered many of the things that make every breed and every individual dog unique. Their pioneering work revealed an origin of the domestic dog near Central Asia over 15,000 years ago and the history of dog populations around the globe.

Adam's lab has also uncovered the genetic basis for many dog diseases and traits. While they have enjoyed working in remote corners of the world and in the lab, Adam and Ryan have always wanted to share their work and improve the lives of pet dogs everywhere. Partnering with the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, the leading veterinary school in the country, and Spencer Wells, a pioneer in consumer genetics, they founded Embark to bring cutting-edge science and insights directly onto your phone and desktop.

Owners and their pets can immediately benefit from all the newest and most advanced science. They can also contribute to advancing scientific discoveries every day. By continually sharing new insights while collecting more data, our dogs can benefit from the best care.

Tracing the Origins of the Dog

Knowing village dogs worldwide was key to unlocking the story of dogs and improving the lives of dogs across the globe, Adam and Ryan started studying them in 2007. Eventually, they convinced National Geographic, the National Science Foundation, and others to send them across the world, studying dogs in 40 countries on every inhabitable continent. Their work has resulted in a new understanding of the Asian origin of dogs and provides unique insight into the genetic diversity of dogs worldwide.

Working with Shelters

We try to offer discounts to shelters and rescues as often as possible, in order to help these organizations place homeless animals. We are accepting donations to improve the lives of shelter animals through the Embark Veterinary Foundation. Please get in touch with us if you’re interested in making a donation.

If you are a shelter and would like to get in touch with us, please contact us via email at [email protected].

If you are interested in donating to this cause, please contact us via email at [email protected].