At Zazzle, we’re deeply committed to social responsibility with a desire to support the communities around the globe that we interact with and foster safe and respectful workplaces. Read about the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act and our Code of Conduct in support of our commitment to transparency and accountability.

In our home turf of California, on January 1, 2010, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) (“Act”) went into effect to provide consumers with the information they need to make informed choices about the goods and services they buy and the companies they support. The Act seeks the elimination of slavery and human trafficking from product supply chains. 

As proud Californians and Global citizens, we here at Zazzle are committed to ensuring that our company and the companies we work with are free from forced labor. This means we’re taking a stand on a few key measures as follows:

  • We work with a large, diverse chain of stakeholders and business partners and we expect them to adhere to ethical business practices consistent with our own.
  • As a responsible corporate citizen, we seek to ensure that quality and safety standards are maintained throughout our supply chain by well-treated, fairly compensated workers in accordance with all applicable laws.
  • We maintain internal accountability standards for our suppliers and assess them on an annual basis using Zazzle and third party resources, including onsite inspections (both scheduled and unannounced).
  • We also require our suppliers to certify they are in compliance with all applicable laws.
  • We train our Zazzle employees involved in our supply chain on these issues, and will terminate business with any supplier found to have violated this policy.
  • We believe in sharing these measures as a way of honoring the efforts of this act and our own commitment to a product free from forced labor.

Zazzle Inc. (“Zazzle”) and its partners, suppliers and contractors (collectively with Zazzle, “We” or “our”) believe that our first responsibility is to our people. In keeping with this belief, We are committed to treating employees fairly, with dignity and respect, and We pledge to ensure ethical and responsible conduct in all of our operations. As part of our pledge, We believe in doing business with partners, suppliers and contractors who share this commitment and who will, at a minimum, both comply with this Code of Conduct and maintain full compliance with all federal, state and local laws, standards, rules and regulations.


We shall adopt and adhere to rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations. We shall conduct all business in an ethical manner and shall not seek to gain competitive advantage by means of unethical or dishonest practices. All of our business will be conducted with utmost integrity and trustworthiness.

We shall use no forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, or any other forms of forced labor. We shall comply with international standards and all applicable local and national laws, regulations, standards, and procedures concerning the prohibition of forced labor and human trafficking, such as the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and related sections of the Dodd-Frank Act (including Section 1502, which addresses products containing “conflict minerals”).