Our Mission

Our passion is to help as many people as possible learn how to lose weight, get in the best shape ever, and live high-quality, heart-healthy lives— without hunger or deprivation. 

 The South Beach Diet offers a safe, effective method of weight loss, and introduces easy-to-follow principles that allow people to enjoy eating and achieve optimal health long term. Join us! 

New to the South Beach Diet is the keto-friendly meal plan, designed to follow the basic principles of keto (low-carb, high-fat) but with greater flexibility. 

This approach is based on Dr. Agatston’s 2020 release, The New Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet, which outlines an updated version of the original program with the latest weight loss science. The New Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet extends the first phase from two weeks to up to six months, allowing time to lose nearly all belly fat while becoming “fat-adapted.” Fat adaptation ensures a boost in energy and endurance that provides more incentive to continue. It also encourages full-fat dairy and nutrient-rich meat sources of saturated fat as desired due to new research in these areas. Look to the Palm for more information about The New Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet, including meal plans, articles and keto-friendly lifestyle tips.

About the South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is the delicious, doctor-designed, foolproof plan for fast and healthy weight loss. Originally created by world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston (who practices, teaches, and conducts research in Miami) to combat heart disease.

Catch the new wave in weight loss

Dr. Agatston observed that following the principles of the South Beach Diet allowed his patients to safely—and easily—lose weight. Pounds didn't just come off—they stayed off, and led to a healthier, more active lifestyle.