Master of Malt

We’re a group of dedicated individuals trying to bring ever more delightful drinks experiences to ever more people. There are lots of drinks experiences that we can deliver – trying new things, learning about distilleries, choosing a perfect gift for a loved one, learning how to make a cocktail – and we’re here to help make that happen, in the most delightful way imaginable. We are here to shorten the distance to amazing drinks experiences.

This is so much more satisfying than just building an online booze store. It’s the reason that we get out of bed, and why we go so much further than others do in our quest to make the experience special. This is why we’re proud to boast that we have a 5* rating (with the vast majority rating us as “Excellent”).

Our Story

Are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin…

Our story starts in the early eighties with the birth of three young boys who would go on to become great friends. Despite following very different academic and career paths en route, they built Master of Malt together and became fellow travellers on a mission. Two of these boys, Justin and Ben, were born on exactly the same day so were, literally, friends in the crib. The third, Tom, would cross their paths as a seven year old. The years passed with scraped knees, hair-raising escapades, and all the usual trials of youth; until, as happens with all youngsters, their tastes and temptations became altogether more adult. 

It wasn’t long before these blossoming adolescents shunned the world of commodity lager, and developed an interest in fine spirits – single malt whisky in particular. This journey of discovery was made so much easier by virtue of Justin’s family having a close relationship with a whisky shop based in nearby Tunbridge Wells – Master of Malt.
Master of Malt originally started trading in 1985 as an independent bottler, fulfilling orders for single malt whiskies from the world’s best distilleries (something we still do, to award-winning effect) via mail order (we don’t do this anymore, thanks to the advent of the interwebs).
From there, Master of Malt opened a physical store and expanded its range. The store had a small but loyal customer base, but was pretty parochial compared to modern day MoM. As the friends entered their twenties they followed different paths – academic pursuits, careers and relationships – but remained very close friends, and started to devise plans to build a business together.

The Future

We don’t know exactly what the future looks like, but we do know that we have a mission – to shorten the distance to amazing drinks experiences – and we’re learning every day how we can move in the right direction. We continue to do this by investing in people and technology. If you like the cut of our jib and think that this is a mission you can get on board with, then please drop an email to [email protected], or check out our job board.