
My name is Mike Matthews, and I’m a bestselling health and fitness author and the founder of Legion Athletics. I founded Legion to bring something new and unique to the supplement world, because let’s face it, the last thing we need is yet another line of flashy, hyped-up, bogus pills and powders. I hate the exaggeration, lies, and pseudoscience of the supplement industry just as much as you.

Over the years, I’ve wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on worthless fat burners, testosterone boosters, muscle builders, and the rest of it. I know what it’s like to wander the aisles of GNC, wondering what’s good and what’s not, and if the sales rep is telling the truth or just wants his commission. I’ve bought stuff hawked by professional bodybuilders, only to find out later that it can’t deliver even 1/10th of what they promise. Too many products are full of low-quality ingredients, junk fillers, and unnecessary additives. There’s a distinct lack of credible scientific evidence to back up their formulations. The marketing claims used to sell them are just getting more and more outrageous.

Scientific Review Board

Our scientific review board of nutritionists, dietitians, molecular biologists, bariatric doctors, and other accredited experts is responsible for reviewing every article, podcast, and video we produce to ensure they’re evidence based, accurate, trustworthy, and current. Thanks to their connections, credentials, and academic experience, this team of MDs, PhDs, and other professionals has access to a wealth of research published in the largest and most prestigious journals in the world, which allows them to not only review individual studies but also analyze the overall weight on the evidence on any and all topics related to diet, exercise, supplementation, and more.

Additionally, they have thousands of hours of combined hands-on experience in their respective fields to draw upon, which provides a level of clarity and judgment that's otherwise unattainable. Our scientific advisory board guides the scientific direction of Legion. It’s comprised of researchers, scientists, and thought leaders. Rather than endorsing individual products, they advise our team on product identification and development, relevant clinical studies, and ongoing research.