Towergate Touring Caravan Insurance

Towergate Touring Caravan InsuranceYou wouldn’t go to a mechanic who didn’t know a socket wrench from a screwdriver, so why would you come to an insurance company who doesn’t know their field inside out? At Towergate, we keep our finger on the pulse of the insurance world and constantly seek out ways to innovate and better serve our customers.

You’ll always know where you stand with us. We promise to give you all the information you need before you buy your policy, while you hold a policy with us and – crucially – when you need to claim.

We work with a wide variety of professional bodies, organisations and key groups that live and breathe the values of our communities. Whether that’s in the world of business, caring professions, boats, the military or simply insurance, our relationships are there to enhance your experience with Towergate.

Our customers live and breathe the things they need to insure with us, and so do we. From knowing the difference between types of boat, to understanding your unique business, or celebrating the care industry through our annual Towergate Care Awards - we are constantly involved in our communities.

How long has Towergate been around?

Towergate began its journey in 1997, and since then we have acquired over 300 specialist insurance companies that make us who we are today. Whilst Towergate may have only recently celebrated its 20th birthday, many of the companies we acquired have long and rich histories that continue to provide expertise and customer service. For instance, our medical insurance team can trace itself back over 100 years!

If you’re so big, why haven’t I heard of you?

As a broker, we tend to be a little more “behind the scenes” than the insurance companies you see advertised on the TV. However, we do work with many of the companies you have heard of such as Axa, RSA and Aviva to draw up policies suitable for insuring the items and businesses we specialise in. Sometimes, we’ll go out to more than one of these insurers to find you the appropriate cover at a price that’s right for you.

We mean we provide cover beyond regular home, car and travel insurance. We can still do those things but we also go above and beyond to provide cover to people with special requirements. For example, there are many houses in the UK which require specialist insurance because they feature an unusual construction or they’re in a high risk area. Many insurers won’t provide cover for these types of property at all but we’ve sought out policies designed to provide cover and therefore a comfort buffer for at-risk home owners such as those living on a flood plain.