(1985 to be more precise)...in a far off land (the French Alps actually), two handsome princes (well, possibly not - more like ski bum Sean and catering student George) struck upon selling t-shirts and sweats to the mountain folk. Thus, White Stuff was born.

Since then many moons have passed, with much growing and much change. But, the enduring principles that guided the young fledgling from the start (to be better, to be different, to be original), remain as true today as they did back then - a time when the internet, mobile phones and sweet chilli crisps did not exist...


Our heritage is important. Born in a bar, not a boardroom, we're not afraid to be different (or better, or original); making a meaningful difference is at the heart of what we do. We are a continually evolving creative lifestyle brand, crafted and shaped by the people who love us most (aka you and the wonderful people who work with us). Whilst we are independent, free spirited and optimistic, we always stay true to our heritage and values.

We like to inspire and surprise our customers in an engaging way, building relationships. We may be bold but like to be understated. We like to create special things. Original designs, one-of-a-kind prints, little details (hidden or seen) and those extra special touches are our thing that sets us apart.

We are a human brand that believes in doing good stuff, from looking after our people, supporting the communities in which we work or how we make all the amazing stuff we make.

From products, places and conversations, to people and responsibility; we're doing good stuff from Bangalore to Bournemouth.


  • We are always looking for new ways to make great things possible.
  • We are playful, surprising and unconventional.
  • Our attention to detail makes us stand out, up close.


  • We are collaborative and team-spirited.
  • We invest in relationships, through great conversations.
  • We are fun, friendly and genuinely interested in people.
  • Our charisma and warmth makes us appealing to others.


  • We are fair, caring and thoughtful, and always consider the consequences of our actions.
  • We care about the White Stuff community and the wellbeing of others.
  • We each act to make a difference.


  • We are brave and forward thinking.
  • We are capable and credible, and achieve what we set out to do.
  • We find our way around problems.
  • Our head may be in the clouds, but our feet are firmly on the ground.