The Current Culture Marketplace
Our mission is to provide access to the world’s most coveted items in the smartest way possible. Buy and sell the hottest sneakers, apparel, electronics, collectibles, trading cards and accessories.
Every item sold goes through our proprietary multi-step verification process with our team of expert authenticators.
Our real-time marketplace works just like the stock market – allowing you to buy and sell the most coveted items at their true market price.
Whether it’s pre-release, regionally limited, or “sold out” – our millions of customers from over 200+ countries allow you to easily secure those hard-to-find, coveted items.
No chargebacks, no taking photos, no writing catchy descriptions, and no dealing with rogue buyers or sellers. We handle everything to make sure you can buy and sell with complete confidence.
Preserving the integrity of our marketplace means staying a step ahead. Our security and fraud systems, powered by our world class partners, have your personal information covered 24/7.
Thanks to our Help Center, Chatbot, and dedicated global-support staff, you can be sure that we are always available to answer any and every question regarding our marketplace.