About us

The company was set up in 1959 in Lancashire and we've been designing and making footwear ever since! We diversified from our roots - slipper production - in the early 1990s, when we had our 'eureka moment' - identifying a niche in the market for stylish shoes with comfort built in. Since then product innovation, world class production facilities and continual reinvestment in our business has seen our shoe collections expand beyond all recognition and our circle of Hotter friends grow by hundreds of thousands each year.

The company was set up in 1959 in Lancashire and we've been designing and making footwear ever since! We diversified from our roots - slipper production - in the early 1990s, when we had our 'eureka moment' - identifying a niche in the market for stylish shoes with comfort built in.

We are passionate about crafting shoes that are the epitome of comfort and style. Taking inspiration from current fashion trends and incorporating valuable feedback from our customers

Every member of our team is obsessed with delivering the best possible service. When you ring our contact centre, contact us through our website or message us through social media, you'll find yourself connected with someone who speaks your language, based right here in Lancashire...i