We've come a long way...

We’re one of the fastest growing online bookshops and our mission is to provide you with an alternative haven to buy the books you love for the lowest prices. We offer over 10 million books and provide free delivery to over 100 countries.

Explore this section to learn more about our story and see what our customers say about us.

Where we're going...
The Wordery story begins with five friends. Between them, they’ve worked in the book trade for more than 40 years and all share a passion for reading.

They believed that online retail had diminished the enjoyment of buying books, that it had lost its soul. So they decided to recapture its spirit with an ambitious venture to establish an alternative online bookshop.

A place where booklovers could discover new reads and chat to helpful staff with a genuine enthusiasm for all things bound. It would, in short, be like a traditional bookshop. But with all the convenience of an online store: great service, an outstanding choice, round-the-clock access, excellent value, and – of course – free delivery to anywhere in the world.

Where we're going...

We’ve grown a lot since 2012. The initial team of five has expanded to 25, we process more than 25,000 orders on a busy day and have five million customers in over 100 countries.

Despite our increased size, our passion for what we do remains the same. We want to share our love of reading with the rest of the world.

For example, we’re committed to working with charities to improve literacy among young people, because we believe this is a crucial measure of a healthy society. We partner with national literacy charities and a local primary school to engender a love of reading among pupils. It’s proving a real success, and many children have discovered a love of literature as a result of our efforts.

Never content with the status quo, we continue to innovate and grow Wordery globally. We always want to offer the widest possible range of books online, naturally. Currently offering over 10 million different titles, we are constantly on the lookout for new partners so that we can increase that figure.