
Our mission at TextbookX is to find students the lowest prices for their course materials. We do that by offering a mix of our own inventory with that of third-party sellers in order to provide one of the largest inventories of new, used, digital, and rental books.

We don't just supply textbooks, though. Through us, students can shop for other school supplies, best-selling books, magazines, study guides, and more. We also host a large Marketplace, where third-party sellers and students buy and sell their books year round.

For students buying from TextbookX Direct:

If you buy or sell books through www.textbookx.com, you receive the following benefits:

  • Access to an extensive inventory of new, used, digital and rental options.
  • An average savings of 60% off list price when you buy Marketplace books.
  • The ability to search by ISBN, title, author, or keyword.
  • Year-round buyback opportunities.
  • Free economy shipping on retail orders over $49.

What is the Marketplace?

Our online marketplace lets you shop from sellers around the countries. Some of the books we sell come directly from the TextbookX warehouse, but many come from our list of trusted, third-party sellers. These sellers range from "volume sellers" (big companies that supply us with hundreds of thousands of textbooks at low prices) to students nationwide.

When you shop the Marketplace, you get access to even more discounted used books, all of which you can buy or sell at any time throughout the year.