Scribd brings together the best of the written word to help readers become their best selves. OUR MISSION - To change the way the world reads.

We are characters with character. People: We value people above everything else. We invest in our employees and believe that diverse stories, ideas, and talents are what make us great. We embrace plot twists. Taking action and learning: We are problem-solvers that act with urgency. We use both data and intuition to tackle tough challenges and balance priorities, we grow through our mistakes, and often learn by doing.

We are writing our story together. Ownership and accountability: We are all owners. We hold ourselves and each other accountable, engage in open dialogue, and we push one another to do our best work every day. We are crafting a timeless tale. Sustainability: We are dedicated to our mission. We are strategic and take deliberate steps to build a sustainable business that will stand the test of time.

We are dedicated to helping readers flourish. Community: We care deeply about our customers. Our community is the soul of the product and we work hard to understand and meet their needs. Scribd launches the world’s first open publishing platform, allowing anyone to quickly and easily share ideas with the world.

We are inspired by reading. Love of reading: We believe in the importance of reading and use our product to make it a meaningful part of our lives. Scribd introduces the first reading subscription service, providing readers with monthly access to books — all for one flat fee.