Lonely Planet Publications

Ever since company founders Tony and Maureen Wheeler stapled together their first guidebook after an epic trip across Asia, Lonely Planet has put travellers at the heart of everything we do, informing and inspiring them with trusted content for print and digital from experts who visit every destination.

Our beautifully designed, easy-to-use mobile apps put the breadth and depth of Lonely Planet's travel content in the palm of your hand.

We publish travel guides, ebooks, phrasebooks, a range of gift, food and children's titles, and a magazine.


Our award-winning website gives you the tools to plan your next trip: in-depth information on destinations; inspiring ideas on what to see and do; the Thorn Tree forum to connect with other travellers; and travel guides and other products in our shop.

Lonely Planet believes that responsible travel can be a force for good. As a company, the only thing we want to do more than explore the world is protect it for future generations of travellers.

The story of the world's most iconic travel guides begins with Tony and Maureen Wheeler's overland odyssey from London to Australia, an adventure that prompted them to publish their first guidebook – Across Asia on The Cheap – and found Lonely Planet.

1973 - The Wheelers publish their first book – Across Asia on the Cheap – and the brand is born after Tony mishears a mention of a ‘lovely planet’ in Joe Cocker’s song ‘Space.

Every single person at Lonely Planet lives and breathes travel, which explains why we're so passionate about encouraging others to explore every day. If that sounds like you, check out some of our opportunities below.