Book Depository ( is a leading international book retailer with a unique offer -- over 20 million books and free delivery worldwide (with no minimum spend).

We ship thousands of books every day from our fulfillment centres in Gloucester, United Kingdom, and Melbourne, Australia, to more than 130 countries across the world -- displaying prices in 37 different local currencies. Our vision is to provide “All Books Available to All” by improving selection, access and affordability of books.

Book Depository was acquired by Amazon in 2011, and since then we have worked together to ensure the best possible experience for all our customers worldwide. By working with Amazon, we have improved our customer service and delivery, and increased our selection of books to more than 20 million, so not only will you find a great read, but we hope you'll find your experience with us is even better.

We still have a dedicated team at Book Depository working to maintain the personal experience that we know our customers love. All of us, from Customer Service right through to Marketing and Finance are very passionate about books. We love making recommendations for titles and sharing the books we've loved with you, and we don't plan on changing that anytime soon.

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive ("the WEEE Directive") is a directive from Europe. The United Kingdom implemented the WEEE directive as UK law on the 2nd January 2007. The purpose of the WEEE Directive is to reduce the amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment (known as "WEEE") being disposed of to landfill by promoting the separate collection, treatment and recycling of WEEE for environmentally sound disposal, so as to minimise the potential effects on the environment and human health that may arise from the presence of hazardous substances commonly found in electrical and electronic equipment ("EEE").

What sort of information do we use to show interest-based ads?

To serve you interest-based ads, we use information such as your interactions with Book Depository sites, content, or services. We do not use personally identifiable information such as name or e-mail to serve interest-based ads. In serving you interest-based ads we only keep information collected for as long as required to provide our advertising services, in accordance with our Privacy Policy and applicable laws. As is common in the advertising industry, we use cookies, pixels, and other technologies (collectively, "cookies"), which enable us to understand the effectiveness of the interest-based ads we show you by measuring what ads are clicked or viewed, and to provide you with more useful and relevant ads. 

How do we work with third parties to show you interest-based ads?

We work with third parties, such as advertisers, publishers, social media networks, search engines, ad serving companies, and advertising companies working on their behalf, to improve the relevance of ads we serve. In providing you interest-based ads we do not associate your interactions on unaffiliated sites with personally identifiable information, and we do not provide any personally identifiable information to advertisers or to third party sites that display our interest-based ads. Advertisers and other third parties may assume that users who interact with or click on an interest-based ad or content are part of the group that the ad or content is directed towards (for example, users in a particular geographical area or users who purchased or browsed for classical music).