
Depositphotos — is a commercial platform that brings authors of high-quality licensed stock photos, graphics, vectors and videos together with appreciative buyers. Thanks to the efforts of talented professionals from all over the globe and our world-class technical solutions, we were able to build a perfect place to marry business with creativity.

194+ million files. Clients in 192 countries. 24/7 support in 20 languages. Success is possible thanks to strong teams located in New York, Milan, Kyiv, Limassol, Moscow and Warsaw.

Founded by Dmitry Sergeev in 2009. Headquartered in Florida, USA, Depositphotos quickly becomes the fastest-growing microstock agency in the world.

The Depositphotos Collection reaches 1 million files. The number of stock files exceeds 10 million in less than four years, making Depositphotos the fastest-growing photobank in the world.

The Referral Program is a web-based system which allows members to earn rewards and commissions by promoting Depositphotos to their friends, family and clients. When you refer a new Buyer to Depositphotos via a custom link we provide for you, your rewards are automatically deposited into your Depositphotos account.

Need a library of high-quality visual content on your website?

Partner with Depositphotos to integrate more than 190 million images into your website or application to increase your business revenue and customer engagement.

Powerful search engine - Empower your project with an intelligent, AI-based search engine and a vast image library.