
We believe there’s a creator in all of us. From the moment we struck fire, we met our challenges with creative tools. We make dreams come true, problem-solve, and express ourselves through creativity. It shapes our identity and ties us together. Creativity gives us hope - helps us innovate and imagine. It’s how we change the world.

We’re a community of innovators, doers, and hustlers made stronger by our diversity. We welcome you to be who you are, share, create, and belong. When it comes down to it, we’re more alike than we are different. We’re all in this together and together we can be a force for good.

We believe in access to quality education for everyone. Education opens up doors, breaks down barriers, fosters growth and collaboration. It’s the building block for change. Equality, creativity, humanity have no boundaries. We’ll be the first to admit we’ve cried over missed opportunities and epic fails. But we’ve always learned more from our failures than successes. The thing is, whether we’re up or down, connecting with community throughout the creative journey keeps us grounded and keeps us going. We’re here to champion you, to support what you do, celebrate your voice, and lift up your spirits.

Success is within reach

Dreams won’t work if you don’t. They never happen overnight and they rarely follow a straight line. Excellence is the result of the hustle - consistently pushing to do better. And success looks different for everyone. We chart paths and tailor content for students, but we also encourage independent thinking and exploration. Go outside of your comfort zone. Who knows? You might like it.

In 2009, Chase Jarvis and Craig Swanson started kicking around the idea of making workshops to inspire and support people with the tools to develop their creative skills. The goal was to take a fresh approach to education - to give anyone interested access to visionaries, leaders, and professionals who are doing the work. So they experimented.