
We give everyone the benefit of good nutritional science Every age. Every lifestyle. We help everyone be at their best with easy-yet-effective nutritional support. 

Empowering healthy living through innovation in nutritional healthcare.

Vitabiotics was founded on a single big idea. For over 45 years, we’ve been committed to that same goal – helping you to be at your best, day-after-day and whatever life throws at you.

Today, what life looks like has changed, but we’re still supporting people in more ways than ever. Above all else, we remain the same independent, family-run British business we’ve always been – a name people trust for safe, balanced and effective support.

Charity & Organisations we support

Supporting good causes and vital health research

Productive partnerships are at the heart of everything we do. It’s everything from the scientific research that informs our product development to the charities and causes that contribute to a healthy, fulfilled life.

Pact Food In Partnership With Age UK London: Wellman & Wellwoman 70+

What Do Pact Food Do? Pact Food was founded to reach the pensioners most in need with a regular, dependable supply of great tasting, healthy and convenient meals to alleviate at least some of their burden. Age UK London’s expert professionals who work directly in the community know precisely who the high risk cases are, those living in abject poverty, the sick or recently discharged from hospital for whom there is no other provision.

Our People

Our team brings together decades of experience across nutrition, medicine, biochemistry and pharmaceutical science. And we continue to learn, grow and improve our products based on the latest research.