Our story started in Brighton, England in 1976. It began with our founder, Anita Roddick, and her belief in something revolutionary: that business could be a force for good. Following her vision, we’ve been rule breaking, never faking and change making for over 40 years.

Never afraid to stand out from the crowd and stand up for what’s right, we search the world for the finest ethically-sourced ingredients to create a range of naturally-inspired beauty products.Today our dedication to business as a force for good is stronger than ever. As part of our Enrich Not Exploit™ Commitment, we’ve made it our mission to enrich our products, our people and our planet. That means working fairly with our farmers and suppliers and helping communities thrive through our Community Trade programme, being 100% vegetarian and always and forever being firmly against animal testing.Together we can do it, it’s in our hands.



In 1987, we launched Community Trade, pioneering fair trade in the beauty industry. Today, we have suppliers in over 20 countries around the world, sourcing the finest raw ingredients and traditional skills from around the planet – benefiting local communities in return.


We’ve campaigned for a cruelty-free beauty industry since 1989. First, we helped ban animal testing in the UK. Next, we took our fight to the EU. Now, we’re setting our sights on the UN, where we’re aiming to stamp out this cruel practice everywhere and forever.

We believe that beauty can be a force for good.
That it can be a force for people, a force for change.
It’s in our nature to care.
We’re committed to making a difference to the planet and to people.
By sustainably sourcing our ingredients,
Promoting fair trade with our suppliers,
Always being against animal testing,
And championing ethical beauty.
We share a common purpose to be a force for good.