Brands with a round logo

Several brands opt for round logos due to a variety of reasons rooted in psychology, design principles, and brand messaging. Here are some key factors that explain this choice:

  • Psychological Impact: Circles are often associated with unity, wholeness, and infinity. They can evoke feelings of community, continuity, and protection. For brands, this can be particularly appealing when aiming to project an image of inclusivity, perfection, or enduring value.
  • Visibility and Recognition: Round logos are easily recognizable and can stand out amidst a sea of other shapes. Their symmetry and simplicity make them memorable, which is crucial in branding and marketing.
  • Versatility and Scalability: Circular logos are highly versatile and scale well across various platforms and materials, from digital spaces like websites and social media to physical items like products and business cards. Their balanced shape ensures consistency and clarity in different sizes and applications.
  • Historical and Cultural Significance: Circles have a rich history and are significant in many cultures, symbolizing aspects like life, the universe, and spiritual concepts. Brands might use this symbolism to align with certain values or cultural narratives.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Circles are visually pleasing and can be used to create a sense of harmony and balance in design. They're often seen as softer and more approachable than angular shapes, which can be beneficial for brands aiming for a friendly and welcoming image.
  • Flexibility in Design: Within the round format, there's a lot of room for creative expression. Brands can incorporate text, images, or abstract designs within a circle, making it a flexible choice that can adapt to various design aesthetics.
  • Brand Differentiation: If competitors in a specific industry tend to use angular or complex logos, adopting a round logo can help a brand stand out and be distinctive.
  • Connection with Nature and Life: Many natural elements (like the sun, moon, and planets) and life forms (like cells and many fruits) are circular, which can resonate with brands focusing on natural, organic, or life-affirming products.

In conclusion, the choice of a round logo is influenced by a blend of aesthetic, psychological, and practical considerations. It can help brands convey specific values and messages while ensuring high visibility and recognition in the market.

Top brands in Europe with round logo

Here's a list of five notable European brands with round logos, considering their recognition and influence:

  1. BMW (Germany): Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, known worldwide for its luxury vehicles and motorcycles, has a distinctive roundel logo that is iconic in the automotive industry.
  2. Volkswagen (Germany): Another giant in the automotive sector, Volkswagen's simple and straightforward round logo is recognized globally.
  3. Lufthansa (Germany): One of the world's largest airlines, Lufthansa features a round logo with a stylized crane in flight.
  4. Nivea (Germany): A leading skincare brand, Nivea’s simple and clean round logo is in line with its brand identity focused on purity and care.
  5. MINI (UK): Owned by BMW, MINI’s logo is a classic example in the automotive sector, recognized for its simplicity and British heritage.

These brands have successfully used their round logos to create a distinct and memorable visual identity, helping them to stand out in their respective industries.

VW logo

Top brands in USA with round logo

Here are some of the top U.S. brands with round logos:

  1. Starbucks: The Starbucks logo, featuring a twin-tailed mermaid or siren in green and white, is one of the most recognizable round logos globally. It represents the coffee chain's rich heritage and commitment to quality.
  2. Pepsi: Pepsi’s round, bicolor logo is iconic in the beverage industry. The red, white, and blue design is intended to evoke feelings of patriotism and excitement.
  3. General Electric (GE): The GE monogram within a circle is a classic and enduring logo, representing one of America’s oldest and most diversified conglomerates.
  4. NASA: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's insignia, also known as the "meatball," features a round, blue design with stars and an orbital path, symbolizing its space exploration mission.
  5. Target: The simple but striking red and white bullseye logo of Target Corporation is symbolic of its commitment to offering customers on-target product selections and value.
Pepsi logo history


26.01.24, uppermostbrands