Brands with orange logo

People and brands love the color orange for its energetic and vibrant nature, symbolizing enthusiasm, warmth, and positivity. It conveys a youthful, playful spirit, making it appealing for those seeking a dynamic and engaging image. Orange is often associated with creativity and innovation, attracting companies in design and technology. Its attention-grabbing quality helps brands stand out, while its friendliness and approachability make it ideal for creating a positive, customer-focused impression.

7 popular brands with orange logo

Here are seven examples:

  1. FedEx: The FedEx logo incorporates the use of the color orange.
  2. Nickelodeon: The Nickelodeon logo often features an orange splat.
  3. Harley-Davidson: The Harley-Davidson logo has an iconic orange and black color scheme.
  4. EasyJet: The low-cost airline EasyJet uses orange prominently in its logo.
  5. Fanta: Fanta, a popular soft drink brand, typically uses orange in its logo to reflect its orange-flavored products.
  6. Home Depot: The home improvement retailer Home Depot features an orange-colored logo.
  7. Mozilla Firefox: The Firefox web browser logo has an orange fox wrapped around a blue globe.
Brands with orange logo

Here are five national flags that prominently feature the color orange:

  • India: The national flag of India has three horizontal stripes of saffron (a shade of orange), white, and green, with a navy blue Ashoka Chakra (wheel) in the center.
  • Ivory Coast: The national flag of Ivory Coast consists of three equal vertical bands of orange, white, and green.
  • Armenia: The national flag of Armenia consists of three horizontal stripes of red, blue, and orange.
  • Sri Lanka: The national flag of Sri Lanka features two vertical bands of green and orange, with a maroon-colored rectangle on the hoist side containing a yellow lion holding a sword.
  • Bhutan: The national flag of Bhutan features a dragon on a white and orange background. The upper part is orange, representing spiritual tradition.
Orange in flag

Orange is a vibrant and energetic color

Color psychology suggests that different colors can evoke various emotions, moods, and psychological reactions in people. Orange is no exception and is often associated with certain psychological and emotional effects. Here are some general ways in which the color orange may influence people:

  • Energetic and Stimulating. Orange color can evoke feelings of enthusiasm, excitement, and warmth. In this sense, it is often associated with high energy and action.
  • Creativity. It is often used to stimulate creativity and expression. Creative spaces or environments may use orange to inspire and motivate individuals.
  • Social Interaction. It can encourage communication and social interaction. In design, it's sometimes used to create a friendly and inviting atmosphere.
  • Warmth and Comfort: The warmth of the color orange can convey a sense of comfort and coziness. It is often associated with the warmth of the sun and can be used to create a welcoming and nurturing environment.
  • Positivity. It can help uplift mood and bring a sense of optimism. This positive influence can be beneficial in various contexts, from interior design to branding.
  • Attention-Grabbing: Orange is a highly visible color, and it can grab attention quickly. In marketing and advertising, it is often used to draw attention to a product or message.
  • Balance: Orange is a blend of the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It can strike a balance between the intensity of red and the cheerfulness of yellow, offering a middle ground that is both exciting and warm.


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