About Amsterdam

From its earliest days, Amsterdam has been a bustling hub of commerce that welcomed other cultures with open arms. Learn more about this lovely canal-side city, including the rich history and development of its tolerant society.
With world-class museums, quirky festivals, theatre, live music, laid-back bars and delightful restaurants, there's never a shortage of things to do in Amsterdam!

There are endless things to do in Amsterdam in any weather and many of the most rewarding experiences lie beyond the well-trodden tourist paths of the city centre. To lead you through the wealth of wonders, we’ve whittled down the selection to this essential guide.

Many of the museums and sights included are covered by the I amsterdam City Card - a handy visitor pass which gets you free entry to Amsterdam’s most popular attractions, plus free public transport for the duration of your stay.

There’s always something to do in Amsterdam. Even during this global crisis, the Dutch capital is still a hub for culture, entertainment and outdoor fun. While restaurants, bars, nightclubs and many other attractions are closed until further notice, new and innovative ways to share art, music, poetry, history and even a much-needed laugh are popping up each day. Experience Amsterdam safely with this roundup of activities and inspiration for keeping your distance while seeing the sights. 

If you are considering a trip to Amsterdam, please make safety your top priority. Do not gather gather in groups of more than four people from different households and wear a face mask in shops, museums, hotels and other public spaces. Keep in mind that regulations may change depending on how the situation develops, so check the City of Amsterdam’s website for the most current official guidelines. 

Unlike many countries, the Netherlands never seems more alive than it does in winter. Whether you want to get lost spotting wildlife while walking through misty woods, spend some time perched on a pier by the sea watching rare seabirds, explore snow-capped castles or see one of the many magical Christmas markets – there’s almost too much to see and do. Fortunately, Amsterdam’s location and transport links let you take a winter day trip outside of the city with as little stress as possible, and get back in time to relax with a mug of something comforting and warm before bed. To make life even easier, make sure you grab an Amsterdam & Region Travel Ticket, which allows you to explore all the iconic sights and scenery of the city’s surroundings area for one, two or three consecutive days. the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.