WINDTRE BUSINESS enriches its offer with the new advanced E-COMMERCE package.

The service will support companies in the design and management of fully customized digital stores, to expand their sales channels on the web, increase visibility and reach new customers.

Celebriamo anche nel 2021 la certificazione di «Top Employer Italia», che conferma WINDTRE tra le migliori aziende per le eccellenze in ambito Risorse Umane.
Il riconoscimento viene assegnato ogni anno da Top Employers Institute in seguito a un accurato screening e certifica l’attuazione di Best Practice focalizzate sullo sviluppo e sul benessere delle persone.​

Facing the future: society, environment and technology

Talking about how the world is changing is a way to deal with it: emergencies, increasing inequalities, crisis of traditional models… but also innovation and new opportunities. Change Talks gives voice to experts, personalities from the economic, journalists and scolars, to better understand the world we live in, and for a more sustainable, responsible, connected and inclusive future.​

The digital innovation of SDG's

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)of the 2030 ONU Agenda for a Sustainable Development represent a global call to action to which all governments, institutions, NGO's, companies and social societies are held accountable for.

WINDTRE was awarded for communication during the lockdown at the NC Awards 2020

Thanks to a communication strategy that reduces distances among people connecting them with an inclusive technology, WINDTRE wins the first prize for the best communication during the lockdown at the NC Awards. What’s more WINDTRE wins the Editor prize for the launch of the one brand.